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AT-OC9MG/AT-OC7EO Dual Moving Coil Pho'no Cartridg'eflnstruction Manual
AT-OC9/AT-OC7 Features
a Light weight volume vibration
This series employs a prismatic
nude diamond needle realizing
robust performance and'high-
speed transmission. The armature
Is designed In the shape oi a re-
verse " ' 'the AT- OC7 is a stand-
ard "V' and cera'mic- type adhw
sIvs'rs used to ioin it to the can-
Iilaver glvrng additional stalbility
to the trace at the needle vie the
Vertical stabilizer.
o Highaflicioncy magnetic
Incorporates a powerful samarium
cobalt magnet In the magnetic
Immows .
oPCOCC coil .4 .
Tire'Pure Copper byhlin'éfib l
tinliolaream'ng process (PCOCC)
It nlr urinal goneralrrm
AT-OCS/AYOC7 Cantilever
Lch cull Rch :oli Stylus
Hammad Neal": urn-rm Cunt-law!
VI: mum
Using the A'FOCS/AT-OC7
I) Begin extremely carelul not to
damage the sanitlever system mount
the cartridge body [D_ the heuristic"
Do not fully 'Ie'rt tn: 'Iitotln'tipg
screws yer. 09
tms. anu altacn the leads Iran. the
MidstreIl by littlng tM lugs our the
pint. Figure A} Show! mind: ror u
amt-rm tonnrm newt-ll. Alt-ch
than Ieuds to [hit ammo: pins of
the mm color It the lug Iir' It luau.
presr the lugi smallur balm plugging
Front surface
Fig. Ai
Rad Irlqlrt
WM (M I charm: I hot}
channel. rm .
um um / Gnu-r {WI
chlnml. GNDI- ,ch-mdr 5ND)
Uniwnl [mm haw luau
(vi-wad irom trontl
i Ins." crow: lrom
' camagr £160
all. ll- l lMI
diurnal. GND
erIta (L4 :» Ml
enamel, not
chnnnll. GND
Rad iR+l Right
channel, lull
II Iota", m lug Elinmy
has revolutionlzed transparent
transmission and has raised to a
high level the efficiency and ac-
curacy of the transmission
rvsral minim-e
crytt. llne Incline
.Th. housing is strengthened
with a super technihard material.
A techniharil saphire crystal manly
brane, a development of the NASA
plated yielding a system that
suppresses unwanted mums
mbmtremwur-minanoa and
sound transmission speed.
PCOCC out Vertical uI-bilrzer
"Suit-mm will
them in, but never solder or apply heat
to lhese pins.
3) Adjutt cartridge armband. triir ad-
turntlbll Instruct-on manual.
I: not uyuiluhle, line 1hr uld my!
nndirrll Immblv into-Myriam
[M nu Mblv (Fig. a), and wake
thudiuun-fiuoooldingly. Irr-
murm uvommg will admtoly mm
II this
tune quality. II possible, this adjust
mm: mauld be Within :1 mm at
specniuu value.
rig. is) m. r
,L I
4) Adjust vrr (vmical tracking
lamei. VTF for AT-OCB/AT-OC7
r51 5 :015 grams, and the I.5g
standard value >
mould mrmllly in mud. Hamlin, it
your turnuhk it located in a cold
environment, or is rubiect-d to wim-
IioIIs, are a herrior talus (up to
5) Adjust tom-arm heightlon turnr
tables having this adjustment). Adjust
wmlrm pivot ban Might Until mu
botlum sullace ol the Imam .r'
parallel With the surface at the record
(View straight acruss the recordi
lncutrscl torturm might can cause the
cartridge to rub the record. and
otherwiu degrades tun: quality.
5) A slcpiup translmmer nr Imu arm)
will no required to connect "I! cal
triage to ma Impllllur. Audio-
Tlchnina oilers several EKEDUD trans-
formers that will provide excellent
wvice, (See the Audioszchnica
GEM-l Products Cit-lug) I! a trans
tanner is used, input Impedance
should h: 2051M more, whila id'ul
input impedance lot 1 mad-mp ii
9 fiacommcnded AudioJechmna step»
up translormm
7) Alla/1,
Thu brush moulded thou used to
keep the stylus tip Im at am 2nd lint.
Use nl Audiohamica nylur clearwrs
A1607 loprionull Is highly
When the wiriduelneadsh-ll assembly
.5 remand lrom the Imam, always
keep the stylus guard in place and
nut: It may from hut sources Ituch
as [M amplirrur, etc).
Clam»; the stylus
Brush truly tram hack to from
a) The stylus it rwlaud by replmlng
the cartridge Itseli. wrun "K stylus It
worn. taltu it to your Audio~Tvcnnlca
denier Ior replacement at a special
UAW-lone: providld with
AT-OCQ Technical Data
Fraquency resporise215 ~50;000Hz
Output valtage:0.4mV (1kHzt
Channel uparationzaodfl (lkHz)
Output balance: 1.0dB (lkHz)
Vertical tracking force: 1,25 r 1.759
(1.5g standard value)
Coil Impedancenzs) (lkHz)
DC resistance: IZQ
Load resistance:
Transformer: >209
Coil iriductance150ull (IkHz)
Static compliance:35><10"ml/dyne
Dynamic combiiance:9x10url/dym
Styluszspeciai elliptically polished
nude diamond stylus
Vertical tracking anglc:23
(Specifications subject to change
AT OCE/AT 0 without notice.
M°""'ftli-w.3.1.??? 1...... i ""
Cartridge mountrw screws AT-OC7 Tcdlnrcal Data
L_1I In ........ 2 Frequency Inponsezls A50;OOOHz
N 5" 3 Output voltage:0.3mV (lkHz.
LI l
Chanml separationzzsma likHz)
Output belanceflflda (lkal
Vertical tracking force: I.25*~ 1.759
(1.59 standard value)
Coil impedancenli) llkHz)
DC mistameflZf!
Load resistance:
Headamp: / 1009
Transformer: )ZOQ
Coil inductancHIBOyH (lkHzJ
Stauc complianc .35xlorrJn/dyne
Dynamic comnlianceleX 10°ml/dynt
Sty|u515pecial alliutlcaliy polished
nuda diamond stylus
Vortica| tracking angle:23'
(Specificatiom wbioct to change
wirhnm nation.)