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AT-OCS EEC /A. DC I (fit;
rial Moving Coil Phono Cartridgezlnstruction Manual
Read this manual carefully before usmg the AT 0C9 AT 0C7
AT-OCS/AT-OC? Features
0 Light weight volume vibration
This series employs a prismat c
nude diamond needle realizing
robust performance and high
speed transmissmn The armature
is desgned in the shape of a re-
verse "V
ard "V, and ceramic-type adhe-
swe is used to rain it to the can-
tilever givmg additional staibility
to the trace of the needle we the
vertical stabilizer
e mgr-efficiency magnetic
Incorporates a powerful samartum
cobalt magnet in the magnetic
Circuit The greater magnetic
density between NS yolre poles
improves the electrical generatiOn
The Pure Copper by Ohno Con-
tinuous Casting process ( PCOCCl
AT-OC9 Cantilever
lch con Rch com Stylus
AFDC? Cantilever
Rch corl Lch corl
Ceramic VC mold t
Using the AT-OCS/AFOC'I
1) Begin entrcrnely carelul not to
damage the cantilever system, mount
the cartridge body to the huddle",
Do not lully tighten the mounting
screws vr-l
2| Nulr tiit- polarity ol the output
on and m the loads from the
headsholl by fitting the lugs over the
pins F igure Al shows the leads tor a
universal tonearm headshell Attach
these leads to the cartridge pins ol
the same color It the lug til it loose.
press the lugs smaller before plugging
9 A' Front surface
Red right
channel "01'
White tld'.
clarinet. hall
Blue (loft aGmen man'-
channel. GND- channel 6ND
Universal tonoarm headshell leads.
viewed from lrorit,
.- Insert screws hnrri
f arthdpe sidi-
a? Blue l [091
channet (3N1)
'wri-ie iL- tori
channel. 6ND
not: (m , eight
channel hot
it loose. crimp lug slightly
the AT-OC7 is a stand-
has revolutionized transparent
transmtssron and has raised to a
high level the eftimency and ac-
curacy of the transmissiOn
["\'t¢ nr ".m'lu'r
NI""\" 0' C
:rystali ltir s'lmlu'r
OThe housing is strengthened
with a super technihard material.
A technihard saphtre crystal mem-
brane, a development of the NASA
space program. is employed ll
the base and the houaing is silver-
plated yielding a system that
suppresses unwanted resonance
and improves overall resrlience and
sound transmissmn speed
PCOCC Catt Vertical stabilizer
l\ Suspenuon wire
PCOCC Coal Vertical subrlrrer
Suspension wire
them in, but neve' wilder or apply heat
to these pins
31 Adjust cartridge overhang This ad
iustment will depend on your particu»
lar turntable model and overhang
SOCCIIICBIIUHS Lari be mund .n the .
turntable instruction manual. ll this
is not suitable, line the old car tr idgex
headshell assembly lace-tolace with
the new assembly (Fig. 8), and matu-
the adiustmcnt accordingly In
accurate overhang WI" adversely alien
tone quality ll possible. this adjust
men! should be within 2t mm of
speCilied value
Fig 8
Thtt NMIM'
Would be au'llt
AT- 0C9
rll Adjust VTF (vertical tracking
lorcel VTF lor AT-OCQAT-OC7
is l 5 20 25 grams. and the l 59
standard value
should normally be used However, i'
your turntable it located in a cold
environment. or is subyected to vibra
tron: use a heavier value (up to
t 759i
I r'i'ltu') t-Jui-a't'r 'wiq' ' Il' '1 '
[ables haytnq "Il't adiiistrnt-nt Adiut'
lonearm pivm baw hciqht unt l "H
30"th sulacc ol the headmeli V
parallel w th the turlacr- ril thi~ record.
lvitrvv st'anht actuss ltw recurd
Incorrect tone-aim he grit ctm Cause tin
cartridgr: to rub the rr-co'r! anr
otherwue denradt-a tnm- Quality
6) A step up irantlormei n- bud arm:
will be required to connect the cal
trudge to the ampliliir- Audio
Technrco Dllcrs several strep up liars
formers that wrvl provide mctrllirrtt
serwce (See the Audio chhnrca
General Products Catalog l l a l'am
larmer is user), input impedanc"
should be 2052 or more while ideal
input impedance tor a Mortar-rip t.
0 Recommended Audio Techmca step
up transformers
7'. A'wuy lump (ills -.lyiu1CicM'
The brush prevideo should or used to
keep the stylus tip tree at dirt and lint
Use 01 Audio Technica stylus cleaner»
AT607 lootionall is highly
When the cartridge/headshell assembly
is removed lrorn the tonearm. always
Keep the stylus guard in ptace,. and
store it away lrorri heat sources (such
its the amplifier. etc l
Cleaning the stylus
Brush only lrnrn bactt to hunt
St The stylus is replaced by replacing
the cartridge itsell When the stylus is
worn~ take it to your Audio-Technica
dealer lor repiecement at a sweat
OAccossories provided with
Scri-wtlflvrrr t
Cartridge mounting screws
L 1 llii
L 16-h
AT-OCQ Technical Data
Frequency response: 15 50,000Hz
Output voltage:0.4mV lkHz.
Son/sec '
Channel separation.30d8 t 1 kHz,
Output balance. 1 .0d8 l' 1 kHz :
Vertical tracking force: 1.25 1 759
. 1.59 standard value:
Coil impedance: 129 l' 1kHz »
DC reSistancez1ZQ
Load reSistance
Headamp- » 1009
Transformer; / 209
Cail inductance:50uH l tkHzi
Static compliancez35x 1O °crriidyne
Dynamic compliance 9x10 cm/dyne
StylusiSpecial elliptically polished
nude diamond stylus
Vertical tracking angle 23
DimenSionsz25.7L><16i8W )6 17 3Hl mi
(Specifications subyect to change
without notice. l
AT-OC? Technical Data
Frequency response: 15 * 50.000Hz
Output voltage. 0 3mV t lid-l4.
Sari sec.
Channel separation: 29d8 tkHz
Output balance:1.0d8l 1kH1 1
Vertical tracking force 1.25
= 1 59 standard valuel
C0il impedance: 129 1kHz
DC reSistance 129
Load reastancev
Headamp , 1000
transformer 220$?
Corl inductance 50w 1kHz
Static compliance 35710 ltzrri dyne
Dynamic compliance 9! l0 midyne
StylustSDecral elliptically polishec
nude diamond stylus
Vertical tracking angle 23
Dmcnsrons 25 71.7 16 8W \ 17 3H mm
Weight 7 89
Specifications subtect to change
Without notice .
1 759