Audio research ref 610t owners manual

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audio research ref 610t owners manual

Extracted text from audio research ref 610t owners manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1

Model Reference 610T Infrared eye for remote control. Bias adjustment pot. Bias Adjustment pot. Selects power output for display via moving logarhithmic bar graph: 0 -10 watts, 0-30, 0-100, 0-300, 0-600. Selects bias level display, bias level adjust, power output, line voltage. Turns amplifier on to Standby or Operate, and to off. Led indicators of operating mode. Selects individual tube locations for display of bias level. D I S P L A Y FRONT V A C U U M T UB E PO W E R A M PL IFIE R R E FE R E N C E 6 10 T HI GH D E F IN IT IO N ® 6 6 6 S T A N D B Y O P E R A T E - - S T A N D B Y O P E R A T E O F F POWER SCALE D I S P L AY /F U N C T I O N B I A S ADJUST V1 ADJUST V2 P O W E R

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Model Reference 610T REF 610T REMOTE COMTROL DISPLAY FUNCTION READ BIAS V1-16 POWER SCALE INTENSITY HOURS U P U P DOWN DOWN DOWN U P Adjusts level of display illumination. Seven levels including off. Displays bias level in mA of each output tube. (See bias adjustment instructions in owners manual.) Displays accumulated hours of vacuum tube service life. Selects power output via moving logarhithmic bar graph: 0-10 watts, 0-30, 0-100, 0-300, 0-600. Selects desired display function from options above, also including display of A.C. line voltage.