This is the 30 pages manual for arp solus servicemanual.
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As the cost of musical instruments
goes up and up, it's unusual to
find a lead-line keyboard synthesizer
with as many useful live performance
features as those to be found on the
new ARP Solus. And its even more
unusual to find these features at a
price that allows musicians a lot of
sound without spending a lot of
The Solus delivers the usual array of
human engineered features, and in-
cludes many of the same circuits to be
found on more expensive instru-
ments. In a new twist, ARP has
created the Solus within its own
travelling case, thus adding to the at-
traction this instrument will certainly
have with budget-minded
The Solus incorporates a full
three-octave keyboard. ARP has al«
ways maintained the need for afull
three octaves for musical reasons and,
after all, music is the name of the
game. The keyboard can be trans-
posed up or down one octave utilizing
the master transposition. or through
the use of a VCO 2 transposition al-
lowing for quick setup in live perfor-
mance, and a very desirable doubling
effect over a wide range.
Not one but two oscillators power
the Solus. Both VCOs can be phase-
synchronized for the classical elec-
tronic effects popular with contem~
porary recording artists, and both
feature mixable sawtooth and pulse
wave outputs with continuously vari-
able pulsewidth.
The "fat" sound is always asked for
by musicians, and the four-pole filter
in the Solus does the trick. Compare
the ARP filter in this unit to most
other comparably-priced instru-
ments, and youll hear the difference
The four-pole filter can be modulated
with inverted ADSR for extra special
This little instrument has a lot of
extras. Where else can you get a ring
modulator. phase-synced oscillators.
voltage'controlled amplifier (VCA),
master vibrato and pitch bend sharp
and flat. plus a filter pedal input for
pedal control (optional) and complete
systems interface jacks for interface
With Other ARP synthesizers. at a
price far below what you'd expect.
Once again. ARP does a lot with a
I. Master Tune: Tunes entire instrument.
2. Transpose: Transposes entire Instrument up or down one octave.
3. PWM Source: Selects either the ADSR or LFO sine wave to modulate the pulse width of
the square wave.
4. VCO | Waveform Mix: Selects either the sawtooth or pulse wave from VCO I, ora mix-
ture of both.
5. VCO 2: Has Its own Tu ne, Transpose & Waveform Mix controls. The frequency of VCO 2
may also be controlled by the ADSR, or by an Optional foot pedal
6. LFO: Used to produce vibrato, tremolo, and trills.
1. VCF; Changes the timbre of the sound by adding or subtracting harmonics. May be con-
trolled bythe LFO, normal or Inverted ADSR, the keyboard, or an optional foot pedal for a
wah-wah" effect.
B. Trigger Switch: Selects single or multiple triggering for expressive control. as well as au-
tomatic triggering for repetitive effects.
9. ADSR Envelope Generator: Produces articulation parameters ranging from stacatto or
percussive to gentle or lethargic.
I0. Audio Mixer: Permits the use of VCO I. VCO 2. or a mixture of both. The Ring
Modulator allows the mixture of gong and bell-type sounds as well.
I I. Portamento: Produces a "sliding" (glissando) effect from one note to the next.
I2. Vibrato Depth: Selects the degree of pitch variation, from subtle vibrato to broad,
siren-like effects.
l3. Pitch Bend: Raises or lowers the pitch of the instrument. Permits bending" effects,
such as those used by guitarists.
s/'\:::Tffl'r:fl°: f"??? ______ :: ::::::::
_._~..._.._- _-_. ______ L: ________
OSCILLATOR AMPLIFIER CV ln/Out: IV/Ocr , 5 Kohmslmpedance (IN)
Waveforms: Sawtooth. Pulse (variable pulse Width)
Frequency Range: 20 Hz to 20 KHx
Maxmwm Frequency Shifts;
LFO Square Wave - + l Octave
LFO Sine Wave - :2/3 Octave
ADSR - +7.5 Octaves
Waveforms. Sine, Smare
Frequency Range: 2 Hz to 10 Hz
Type: Low Pass
Frequency Range. If: H: to I6 KHz
Dynam-c Range: 57 dB
AttackTime: I 3 me: to L: sec
Decay Time: I0 mxec to I0 sec.
Sustain Level 0 to IOOX at peak
Release Time l0 msec to lo sec.
High Level: 2 V PP max.. I K ohms impedance
Low Level; .3 V PP max, 9 K ohms impedance
External Audio ln' s V FP max.. 68 Kohms impedance
Ans Instruments, Inc
45 Hartwell Avenue
Lexington. MA MI 73
© ARP Instruments. In:
330 ohms impedance (OUT)
Gate Due + II V- key down, I5 Kohmsimpedance
Gate In: + | V pulse mm.. 470 K ohms impedance
Trigger Out: + l2 V pulse. l00 msec duration. 4.7
ohms impedance
Trigger In: + 2.8 V min.. l5 msec duration min.,
I20 K ohms impedance
Height. 6.5
Width. 25"
Depth. l6
Weight. 12 lbs