Arp odyssey patchbook

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arp odyssey patchbook

Extracted text from arp odyssey patchbook (Ocr-read)

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Walmm: lo ihn Onlymy Patch Book. lnxide, you
will find all sum ol many-mad. sound: Illusirmd lor
easy semi). Somn nl Ihesa ale lnslrulnanlll or musical
in (mum, olherl Illa Sound effeck. 50ml: Ive inslmc-
rlonal; I'm lL lhey are m illusllll: - cell-in peck oi
Vuur desuv. Ind may be mad nlm. bill are mot!
zflcclive in miunciior. will! om: mum! mom vu-
Iions. Follow [hm lulex. and you will find lhat all 0'
(he dinvams lulladparclml m easv lo undmmd.

You will nolico in. "late diauvarns llluslraln [he
Oinley with Am's now dcwlwmunl. lho PFC, The
PPC is used In plue ol Ihe Pltch Bend Knob which
wax iound on oldel lnxuumenu. When - pmh call:
In! Flicli Bend or Vibrato, uh: oonuwondiny FPC
loud: and will I» lndiultd. Ii you nan an M62!
Odyssey, simply w.- xho Pinch fiend Knob in [he LFO
[line wave) slide! inlo the VCO lo iooomnlilh mm
mm eflecu.

I. All sliders which have no! helm llluslluud should
be all the way DOWN.

2. All xwllchlls which hm rim been illullraled have
no emu on (in mind you are (lying in xhieve,
so ihzy may be [all up or down. You will find
max certain Mickey can allzcl nu: sound even
mough in: lunelians assodzmd wiih mam hm
nal been selecled. Therafo ih-x xwllches will
always be illuuralod whm I lily exisis.

.l. Slider posiilom m inwnded xo bu sell in
general guldls- -you may move them in mix your
own mu lor mm (hing: as brilliance. vlbntn,
mmlo. m.

A. Ouasinnullv, (he notes will call lol you lo more
a slider. and an armw will awe-r n-xi lo uni
did". The mow will always mean la in: I!
nl the.- slider that you should mow.

5. Phasing is most imporiam. To make a lunch
sound liko a porllcular insliumanl. you mm: [a
play links which xlmullle [base you would
acmlllv nlay on am inmumem. Du nouxoeed
in: my: 0! Inc insuvment.

a. Door o: dikulaqed if in: one» um um work
the (in! lime. Chanou in: you mrloaked an
imporunr slid" or swilch.

Table of Contents

Basic Instruments

1. Claim or Ems
2. Swan! Slrinw

3. claim. English Ham Duo
4. Snavcd Drum

5. Flu:

5. Solo Vi 'n






cm on ma Line
Fleclsu Bass

0. Clnllno 'n C

l Tlmmmin

Advanced Instrumenls

l2. Cluslcodymy

ll Runninwdyssev
14. aivoqueoaymv
15. \VandevClayinel

16. ABlgBeII

l7. Z-anoPigw/Pedal
lB. Beginningwnisllel

20. Ow
2i. 69¢ Piano

22. High Voltagt Sim
23. Scmilnlu Glynn
24. Fad-I Steel

25. Loroys Pnlcll

26. TN. Mvnery Paul:
27. Ki. Solo Sound
23. Full." arts;

29. Numoniu

30. Gvegov In Chm
3|. Mavimbn w/tho
32. Jaw AR?

33. Chnlr Soprano
Sound Ellects

34. Eleculc Duck

35. A Sm." War

36. 5mm Tnin maul
37. Heavy Rain

Molun Lavl

Snwwilh Camel

lullnn siren

Mayday A: Sn

Elecuic Nawilnr

All Channel

Dinnsaur Ga

Edgar Winter's "Funkznnein"
roman: Gong

Cricket Thicket


Assoned Clank;

Tuned on Seagull

Thundu clapper

2:00 mm Cu

Power Failuv:

Rhylhms. Arpeggins, Soquenees

55' Svncopaled. HEIW Has Funk
56. Honkin' Hi-hlu

57. Shaker

58. aim his Drum & Tom Tam Solo
59. Pseudo de: Machine

60. Frugal-lined Rhyihm

6|. Basso Wan w/Dclaw Aocomp.
62, 3-Nule Chord

M. 5m Trill w/Padal

$4. Hmnonic Sequnnw

65. Something Weird

65. KM. Conunlled Alpmlm
Advnmed Applications

67. Touch Slnfilivv Ausn

68. Aulomflic Film Hand

69. Kbd. Arlivmed Tllll

70. Dual Tempo Tllll

71. Random Pmumve Pilches
72. Kbd. Conlrnlled Plumsyllc.
7:. lnymed KM.

74. Pseudthasel

76. Vavioble Microloml Scale