Arcam Diva T51 tun sm

This is the 15 pages manual for Arcam Diva T51 tun sm.
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Arcam Diva T51 tun sm

Extracted text from Arcam Diva T51 tun sm (Ocr-read)

Page 2

Contents List

Contents list

Circuit description

Circuit diagrams

Component overlays

Circuit board parts list

General assembly parts list

Page 4

AMUTE - Turns on the mute circuit when a button is
pressed & during tuning.

FM. MW & LW - Only one output active low at any one
time. Used to switch on specific parts of the RF circuitry as

The micro controller includes a Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL)
circuit which compares the tuner local oscillator signals
(FMlN & AMIN) with a reference frequency. Based on
this information and the required tuned frequency the
controller varies the tuning voltage to the FM and AM
front ends.

The tuning voltages (FMVt & AMVt) have to be filtered
from the PLL by the circuitry around Q7 & Q13.

Display PCB

The display PCB holds the keypad, LCD display, LED
back light module and On-Tune indicator.

The remote control receiver consists of the receiver RX]
and the PIC micro controller, 21, which is used to decode
the incoming remote control codes from RC5 format to
Sanyo type commands. This is because the Sanyo micro
controller. Z10. can only respond to Sanyo remote control

Jumper Settings

Jumper Option 1 Option 2

JPl Best sensitivity Best sound

JP2 Best sensitivity Best sound

JP3 De-emphasis 50uS De-emphasis

JP4 De-emphasis 50uS DeAemphasis

JPS LW & MW MW only

JP6 AM spacing 9KHz AM spacing

1P7 Less X-MOD Less De-sense

USA / Rest of the World

If the T51 is transferred from or to the USA the
following jumper settings will require changing.

Jumper Rest of the USA Action

JP3 50uS 75uS De-emphasis
J P4 50uS 75uS De-emph 'IS

1P6 9KHz lOKHz AM spacing