Ampeg svt 412he

This is the 4 pages manual for ampeg svt 412he.
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ampeg svt 412he

Extracted text from ampeg svt 412he (Ocr-read)

Page 1

SVT412HE 4x12 Bass Cabinet Your Ampeg SVT412HE 4x12 Bass Cabinet is a high quality two-way speaker enclosure suitable for all venue sizes. The cabinet features heavy duty recessed handles, and removeable casters. The Speakon ®and 1/4 jacks are wired in parallel, allowing easy daisy chaining from one speaker to another. Each of the jacks may be used as an input or a through connection. Speakon ®connectors are recognized as the stan- dard for professional installations, assuring a secure, permanent connection that wont corrode, vibrate loose or be easily tampered with. The 1/4 jacks are conven- ient. However, the Speakon ®jacks are recommended when using power amplifiers over 150 watts, for perma- nent installations, or for the first enclosure among a number of daisy chained enclosures. Speakon ®to 1/4 Wiring Diagram: 1+ 1- 1+ 1-

Page 2

SVT412HE 4x12 Bass Cabinet 1: 1/4 Input / Output Jacks 2: Speakon ®Input / Output Jacks 3: High Frequency Horn Level Control The SVT412HE Jackplate: Suggested Hookup Diagrams: TO SPEAKON (TO 1/4" JACK) FROM SPEAKON TO SPEAKON (FROM 1/4" JAC K TO 1/4" JACK) 1 2 3