This is the 10 pages manual for ampeg amplifiers operating manual.
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Belem reading on it is advisable to study these terms which deb
scribe the contruls and accessories found on Various Arnpcg
amplifiers. By dulng so ymi will haven better understanding of
your Amps; amplifierand what ii an do. Not all models have all
of these features. Study ihnse that apply to ysur uniti
( 'AleRA TH) l 0. UNFROLsiDerented controls allow for
accurate and repeatable adjustment of all (one contruls,
LXTENSlUN SPEAKER JA (SK-Inns Jack allowsthe use of an ad-
diiional speaker cabinet Use a cabinet that matches the original
cabinet, ll use of some other combination is contemplateaL mutant
Ampeg Service Department, Linden. Newilerseyr (orlurther in-
controls accept low or high impedance instruments and micro
phones 01 imying outputs.
Controls accept law or high impedance Instruments and micrn-
plumes oi varying outputs.
H! AND LO GrllN JACKSrThese tacks accept instruments of
Vasily varying output levels.
HUM BALANCE CONTROL eTu uperare set tone cannot: to
playing position before plugging in the instrument Adjust humihal
anceeconuol finding position which gives least humi
lMlElmiN'CiiiThis terms tells at what voltage and current rattn
power is tn he delivered to aspeaker system. It ls tmpnrmm that
the proper impedance speaker cabinets be used with Ampeg am-
plifiers for maximum performance
IMPEDANCE MA TC! (INC SWITCHiThis lemme allows lull rated
cuipui printer to be delivered to either 32. 4 or 8 ohm sneaky
system When using two cabinets at the same impedance, set the
impedance selector switch to half of one Cabinets rated
INPUT SFNbITWn'YilIIpm sensitivity relax! to the size of input
signai. in volts, required to drive the amplifier to rated output. On
amplifiers with an input sensitivity swiichi signals of greatly differ-
entleveis can be acuimmcdaied with Control (1? tnput overload
12/25/2005 11:31 PM