Alpine dhas 680 service manual

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alpine dhas 680 service manual

Extracted text from alpine dhas 680 service manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2

(Cautions for Safe Repair Work)
The following cautions will prevent accidents in the workplace and will ensure safe products
.The symbols indicate caution is needed to prevent injuries and damage to property

The symbols and their meanings follow



serious injury or death may result

If you ignore this symbol and handle the product incorrectly or unsafely,



If you ignore this symbol and handle the product incorrectly or unsafely,
injury or only material damage may result

.The following symbols indicate two levels of cautions.

A When you see this symbol, you have to be very careful

0 When you see this symbol, you have to follow the instructions there




Do not look squarely into the laser light
coming from the pickup.
You may loose you sight.


Fuse Caution
Always use a designated fuse
Use of an incorrect fuse may result in a fire.



Do not allow wiring to be caught in the

screw/ chassis

If wiring is caught in the screw/chassis. it may cause
a short circuit, resulting in a fire

Battery Caution

Use the designated battery

Confirm the correct polarity and seat of the battery
An incorrect battery or an improperly connected or
seated battery may result in a fire.

High Temperature Caution
Touching the heat sink may cause severe burns

Designated Parts Caution ,_
Look up the part list and ensure that only designate
parts are used to prevent problems or accidents

Reverse Power Supply Connections or
Misconnections Caution

Reverse power supply connections or misconnections
may cause ignition problems and smoke may result.

Wiring Caution
Ensure that the wiring is correct when rewiring to
prevent problems with ignition/ breakdown

Soldering Caution
Hot solder from solder splash may cause severe

Wear Gloves
Wear gloves to prevent electrical shocks or injury
from the end face of the metal.


For the FDA laser standard. the following CAUTION label is stuck on each product

Please be careful for repair