Akg h 418 owners manual

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akg h 418 owners manual

Extracted text from akg h 418 owners manual (Ocr-read)

Page 2

MUAiflifllflizUUjidunUQ Uq.ub.zuuq E; a Unr selte A

Hallerung H 418 / H 418 Supporl/ Support H 418 / Supporkz H 418 / Saporie H 418
Ieschreilwng: Die Halterun H 418 dientals Montagehtlfe Rtr dos C A] B Drum/Percussionmikrocn, falls dus Mikrofon ntchtdtreld
urn Spunnring befestigtwe en kunn

Description: The H 41 a support allows the c 41 a drum/percussion microphone to be mounted on drurns where it eennet be clump'
ed on the lap hoop itself.

Dexaipfion: Le support H 41 a teerltte Ie manlage du microphone pour betterie et pereussions c 41elersqu'1ln'e1pus possible de Ie
Fixer irecternent sur la begue e sewage,

Descrixione: l| supporfo H 41 8 Serve come uusilio di monlag io per .1 rnierofono c 41 13 do ternburo/pereussroni neI coso in cui i|
rnterofena non posse essere montuta direttarnente sullanello ifisseggio.

Descripcién: El sepone H 413 sirve coma uyuda de monmie para el rnieroteno para baleriu/percusién c 41 a 5i eI micréfono no
puede fiiarse direclamenle en el anlllo de suiecion,

Momage: / Installation: /Montoge: / Montoggio: [Mot-Me:

Lockern einer Spannschmube und H 41 a unterlegen. / Loosen one of the tensioners and insert the H 41 a, / Desserrer une vis
et mettre Ie H 418 en place. / Allentate una vite di serraggio e inserite ul di sotto IH 418, / AFlojar un tomtllo tensor e In*
seriar In unidud H 41 a debain.

Abb. 1 Abb. 2

Spannsehraube testdrehen; Instrument stimmen, C 41 a anklernrnen. / Tughten the tensioner, tune the Instrument and clamp
on the C 418, / Resserrer a vis' uccor er instrurnent, hxer Ie C 41 B. / Stringete Ia vite, accor ate Io slrumenlo e utteccute i|
C 41 B o1rnorsetto./ Apretoreftornillo tensor; afinor e1 instruments: y hiar Ia unidod C 41 e.
