Akai AM 32 Schematic C Imp

This is the 4 pages manual for Akai AM 32 Schematic C Imp.
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Akai AM 32 Schematic C Imp

Extracted text from Akai AM 32 Schematic C Imp (Ocr-read)

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AKAI AM-32 (6OW-channel)

IMPORTANT : this is not the original AKAl AM-32 schematic .

l have copied this scheme,following the traces and solders of PCB board of the amplifier ,when i repaired it

I don't guarantee that the whole scheme is exact and my instrument is not very precise, then IF YOU USE IT ,YOU DO IT TO

Also, the schematic is not complete , but include the following circuits:
- left channel final amplifier (note that the right channel has the same component's name of left channel )
- final power supply
- safety circuit
- switch board (D board)
- some components data

Do not include primary power supply

Traced by MPANTEC ,with TARGET3001 FOR PCB POOL ,