Aiwa MX 110 Service Manual

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Aiwa MX 110 Service Manual

Extracted text from Aiwa MX 110 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 25



R . ~ I Pail No. - . Con-on , l
el. No, Parl Nu. l Chaniud m Descrlallon Model { Q l) l Remark
1 82,799,004, Fronl cabinel ass'y (ll nodal only) |
l32799l1360] Franl cabinel usy (Hlil L'll wdels only) 1
l92*799*005*ll Fran! cabinet ass'y (E. K. G Idldnls only) I
REi'ISSUHOl Front cabinel ass'y (Ell, KB models only) 1- l
A 82*Tfiaiflafiill POWER bullon ass'y (H. E, K. (5 medals only) MX-Q (I l
HZiTQfliflSZOl POWER bullon ass'yH-l'r). UH. EB.KB MXiBO l
models only) i l
H BETSBiWBiO] C-sorlni. POWER l 1
C 82*759033'01 Hinle l ass'y (H. E, K, G ludels only) , l
32-799*051>Ul Ilinle l ass'y (HE. [1B, Eli, KB models only) i l
D 82*799~039Afll Hilue 2 ass'y (ll. E, K. G models only) l
32*75§*UEZ*01 HUI" Z 355') (NE, UH. EB. hl! models only) l
E 827994140701 Him Cl ass'y (H. E. K. G models only) I l
82759063fll Hillle I] ass'y (Hl), U l). El). Kl) nodal» only) l
F 82*759i0'llU) Hinle 4 ass'y (H, E. K, G models only) 1
82*799064ifll Hinge 4 azs'y (HB, 13!}, El). KB models only) , l
G 827590420] Hinze 5 355') (H. )1. K. G models unly) l
82759'065~fll Hinze 5 uss'y (Hll, UH. EB. K15 MfldElS only) l
H 82*79904301 Hill 6 ass'y (H. E. K, G nmlcls only) .- l
82'7§9*066 *Dl llinle (i ass'y (H1), UH, EB. KB nodels only) >C< l
l 82"739 '044' [)1 llinxe FM assy lll. E. K, G nodal: only) l
82-499-7067411 Hinxe FM ms'y (HS. (1}), Fl). KB node): I
only) 1
J 32 ' 799 III-15' ()l Hinp: A M ass'y (H model only) l i
82793A038~0l lllllle AM ass'y (Hl). U l) Iadrls only) l
K 82799 046 Hllue UP 255'! (H. E. K, G models only) 1
82793'0700l Hint: UP 355) (Hll. ljll l-le. Kl) Iodels l 1
l. 82*?59053i0) Hlnlc .\lW ass'y (E. K. L} node-ls only) l
327159705571 Hlllle MW a.s'r (El). KB nodkls only) 1
2 827779370257 Fnsh'llnllon 2
3 82*798'Zlfl0l Gllldi'. LEI) MX'BU l
4 87*08571364 Foal -l
5 82«799~2047-Dl AID. lesu m'y (H, Hu Iodel: only) 1 * * *
32799/20201 Ann. chassis ass'y (Ull model only) 1 t k *
8247997996A0l AID cllaosis aas'y (E. El) lludels only) l i i 1'
82-7994219i01 Aw. chassis ass'y (K. KB models only) , l t i' i
82 7799' 208 Ol Ann. chassus assl ((2 nodal only) l k k i
E 33"799"0id* m Name Ulalo, Jack (H modcl unh) l * k i
82 799 UHlUl Name ulole, Jack (Ill) nodal only) l k k *
S277799083Dl Nane ulale, Jack (UH Imlnl only) I k k *
827799*031*0l l Mm rJlale, lock -2 model mm X l k n *
82*?59i082ifll Nam olale Jatll (El) 1110an only) 23. l l t t if
82 739-032*0l None olale, Jack (K model only) 2K 1 i k i
82"? can In Name ulale, Junk lKll mu only) y- l l i- t *
82*799i033i0l Name olale, Jack ((2 model only) 2" I l k k i
7 97 08571027 In mm rlvul .l 5-5 5 l 3
3 87085-181-Ul Cord bushina (ll, Hll. UH models only) l
37 '085 185 [ll Cord bushllll (l-I, (51). K, Kll. G llDdtlS only) 1
9 B7 *034956 '01 AC nnltr ton! (H nodal only) 1
WOMSSSWOI AC Burner card (lll) nodx-l only) |
B7i03457fi '01 AC noun cord (ll l) model only) 1
87 034 877 01 AC DONE! card (I El) models only) I
87 034 '375' 01 «X C enter can) (I'\ Kl) Indus only) 1
87' 034 89? 0| AC Dane! card ((7 lode) only) I
ll) H2i799flgfiifll (Sabine). Sleel (H. E. K. (i zodels only) 1 |
82793072*0| Cablnrl. Slrel (H1). U8. El). KI) models 1
ll 82*79l*552*0l 1.000 alllellfld am') (ll. E. K (3 model: only) TX Tl] ]
82*795ifi7flifll Lam: Blllenna ass'y (Ill), UH. Ell. Kl) Indels RXiJ U 1
only) i
)2 BE 7732160I llalL- nul (l-I. l-I ll mnduls only) AT *3500 1) l