Airline wards GPL 3822A

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airline wards GPL 3822A

Extracted text from airline wards GPL 3822A (Ocr-read)

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FUNCTIONS OF CONTROLS, Speed Control Make sure power is on. With tape threaded, speedcontrolswitchcanbemovedto the left for 7 Lf2" per second or, to the right for 3 3/4" per second in any' push-button position. Make sure the switch "CL.ICKST' to insure proper engagement. The action that takes place during a speed change is as follows: Capstandrive belt (41) rides between the forked end of speed change fork (52). When the Speed Change button is moved to the left, the forked end of speed change fork (52) pivots upward. This lifts capstan drivebelt (41) high enough to be picked up by an "ear" on motor pulley (40). The "ear", in turn, places cap- stan drive belt (41) in the middle pulley of motor pul- ley assembly (40), resulting in a tape speed of.7 L/2 ips. When the Speed Change button is moved to the right, the forked end of speed change fork (52) pivots downward. This lowers capstan drive belt (41) enough tocontactoneof the "ears" on motor pulley (40). This "ear", in turn, places capstan drive belt (41) in the bottompulleyof motor pulley assembly (40), resulting in a tape speed of 3 3/4 ips. When the Speed Change button is moved to the left for the 7 L/2 ips tape speed, speed change fork (52) contacts and closes equalizer switch (56) in order to obtain the correct equalization for the ? t/2 ips tape speed. Push Button Mechanical and electrical functions relating to the Play and Record operations are controlled by the push buttons. In addition to starting or stopping the tape, the PIay, Record, and Stop push buttons switch the electrical circuits in or out when the buttons are depressed. The mechanical functions for wind and re- wind are controlled by the Wind and Rewind push but- tons. The following mechanical action takes place as each push button is depressed. NOT E: This s equence of push-button operation orig- inates with the Stop button depressed. Play Button 1. Depressing the Play button releases the Stopbutton. When the Stop button is released, tension on brake spring (11) is relieved, allowing brake re- lease spring (10) to puII brake rollers (3) away from reel rests (14) and (18). Spring (94) is released aI- lowing the actuator arm on cutoff switch (91) to rest againsttape. If tapebreaks or spills, the actuator arm wiIIfall into stop (Bf ) and actuate cutoff switch (91) to stop drive mechanism. 2. Pressure roller spring (61)pullshead mounting plate (62) forward, pressing heads against tapeandpressure pads, also pressing pressure roller (13?) against tape and capstan. 3. Tension applied to take-up spring (97) pivots take-upbracket (100). Take-up bracket (100), in turn, moves take-up clutch assembly (?0) against take-up reel rest (18) to provide tape take-up. PAGE 2 INDICATORS, AND SWITCHES 4. Muting switch actuator (127) is released allowing muting switch (112) to open. Record Button, Pause Control Lever 1. Depressing the Record button (the Pause control lever must be held in the forward position to allow the Record button to be depressed) releases the Stop button. When the Stop button is released, ten- sion on brake spring (11) is relieved, allowing brake release spring (10) to pull brake rollers (3) away from reel rests (14 and 18). Spring (94) is released allowingthe actuator arm on cutoff switch (91) to rest againsttape. If tapebreaks or spills, the actuator arm willfall into stop (81) and actuate cutoff switch (91) to stop drive mechanism. 2. Muting switch actuator (L27) is released allowing muting switch (112) to open. 3. Plunger on depressed Record button moves record switch (113) to Record position. WI ND BUTTON 1,. Depressing the Wind button releases the Stopbutton. When the Stop button is released, tension on brake spring (11) is relieved, allowing brake re- Iease spring (10) to pull brake rollers (3) away from reel rests (14 and 18). Spring (94) is released allowing the actuator arm on cutoff switch (91) to rest against tape. If tape breaks, spills or ends, the actuator arm wilifall into stop (81) and actuate cutoff switch (91) to stop drive mechanism. 2. Plunger on depressed Wind button pivots mutlng switch actuator (127) to switch muting switch (112) to muting position. 3. Tension applied to fast forward spring (36) pivots rocker arm (34). Rocker arm (34), in turn, pivots traverse link (31) and traverse pulley (28) to- ward take-up reel rest (18). Fast traverse beit (32), which drives traverse pu}ley (28) from motor pulley (40), contacts take-up reel rest (18) to wind the tape on the take-up reel at a rapid rate. Rewind Button 1. Depressing the Rewind button releases the Stopbutton. When the Stop button is released, tension on brake spring (11) is relieved, allowing brake re- Iease spring (10) to puII brake rollers (3) away from reelrest(14 and 1B). Spring (9a) is released allowing the actuator arm on cutoff switch (91) to rest against tape. If tape breaks, spills or ends, the actuator arm willfall into stop (18) and actuate cutoff switch (91) to stop drive mechanism. 2. Plunger on depressed Rewind button pivots muting switch actuator (I27) to switch muting switch (112) to muting position. 3. Tension appliedto rewind spring (35) pivots rocker arm (34). Rocker arm (34), in turn, pivots traverse link (31) and traverse pulley (28) toward re- wincl reel rest (14). Fast traverse belt (32) contacts

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Figure l. Top View 0f Mechanism With Top Covers Removed. =oE' F2 o4ai-rzjp nt ol))rt rewind idler wheel (22), in turn, drives rewind reel rest (14) to wind tape on rewind reel at a rapid rate. CH-I and CH-z Volume Controls (Center Knobs) The Channel 1 and Channel 2 Volume controls (center knobs) are used to adjust recording level dur- ing recording and the sound level during playback for their respective channels. Turningthe controls clock- wise increases volume level, turning counterclockwise decreases level. CH-1 and CH-z Tone Controls t0uter Knobs) The Channel 1 and Channel 2 Tone controls (outer knobs) vary the relative strength of bass and treble frequencies during playback and monitoring for their respective channels. The tone controls have no effect on the signal being recorded on the tape when recording. Automatic I ndex Counter Automatic index counter (??) provides a means for locating recorded material anywhere on the tape. Set the counter to zero at the beginning of a reel by rotating the Reset knob. Counter bett (15), which is connected to left-hand reei rest (14), drives the counter. Cutoff Switch Cutoff switch (91) is located to the left of the head assembly. The tape falls between the tape guide post (83) and the actuating arm of the cutoff switch (91). Thus, when the end of a reel of tape is reached, or if the tape should spill or break, the actuating arm of cutoff switch (91) moves into stop (81). This action opens cutoff switch (91) and stops the drive mechanism. To Remove Access lnterlock Plate f rom Bottom of Case l. Remove six wood screws in Access Inter- Iock. 2. Lift Access Interlock Plate away from bot- tom of cabinet to disconnect interlock. DI SASSENiBLY I NSTRUCTIONS To Remove Head Cover 1. Remove six screws from bottom of case. TIoF(]mn 5 2. 3. 4. Remove three screws from left side of case. Remove three screws from right side of Remove two screws from rear of case. case. PAGE 3