This is the 4 pages manual for Accuphase T 11 Brochure.
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The proliferation of 005. music tapes. videotapes.
and laser discs has been giving increasing variety to
music program sources. The result of this is that
there is a wide variety of music genres being pre-
sented by the broadcasting media around the clock.
Listeners can hear the latest music. live overseas
programs, local performances, and exquisite pieces
of music from the past. Many of these will include
pieces that are not available for purchase and can.
therefore. only be heard over the radio.
Electronic Tuning System Gives Outstanding
The highly accurate electronic tuning system in the T»
11 receives desired signals with quartz-controlled pre-
cision. The tuned frequency channels can be locked
in. with minimum distortion. at the point of highest
sensitivity There is almost no frequency drift over time
or due to changes in temperature, Because of the
electronic tuning. almost no modulation distortion or
nose is caused by external shocks,
2 16-Station Random Memory
In preparation for increasing number of FM stations. the
Tall is equipped with a memory that can preset 16
different FM stations at random. Any one of these can
then be instantaneously tunedrin at the press of a
button. With weak radio signals. it may sometimes be
necessary to use the additional filtering or to change
the FM bandwidth in such cases. the T-1i memory can
be programmed with the preset filter and sensitivity
levels required to meet the signal conditions of the
Using state-of-the-art technology, the Accuphase T-11 tuner has achieved an unsurpassed level
of perfection. It includes a double-tuned front end capable of rejecting even strong interference,
a DGL detector providing high stability and low distortion, carefully selected linear phase
IF filters, and a highly stable, resonator-controlled stereo demodulator.
It can be said that the radio is an integral part of
modern life. It enhances the level of our culture and
helps to ease our mind. Among the various broad-
casting modes. FM radio broadcasting provides al-
most flawless audio transmission. FM radio is able
to bring live performances into your home with a
sound quality comparable to that of CDs.
The high quality Accuphase FM Stereo Tuner T-
11 is designed especially for music lovers who are
keen on sound performance. in anticipation of the
Accuphases Newly Developed PulseTunlng
System with Traditional, Manual Tuning Knob
in addition to the ts-station random memory. the T-11 is
equipped with a traditional tuning knob. which allows
users to manually tune to the desired station. We call
this the pulse-tuning system. It has been developed
especially for manual electronic tuning. In this system.
the tuning frequency is
controlled by a pulse
count, generated by
the radial slits on the
knob shaft. The opera-
tion of the pulse-tuning
system may be, so to
speak, compared to
driving a car with a
manual transmission.
4 Interference Relectlng. Double-Tuned Front-
In any tuner. the front-end is virtually its "hean." It
performs the critical functions it selects the input sigr
nat. amplifies it. generates the intermediate frequency
signal. and delivers it to the detector. As one might
expect. it is often necessary for the front-end to process
a weak signal. Doing that successfully is not the only
requirement of a quality tuner. A sophisticated tuner is
also expected to have a frontend that can reiect inter
ference and signal distortion. These are the absolute
requirements for good signal reception and audio
Fig. 1 is the circuit diagram of the His ironirend.
Double-tuning of the input-signal at the input and am,
plification stages enables the front-end to reject even
strong interlerence This is further enhanced by a fre-
05c. J,
Fig. 1 circuit Diagram of Front-End
increasing number of FM stations, the T-11 has a
memory which is capable of storing 16 preset FM
stations. the FM bandwidth. and the filter settings.
Accupf-Iases newly developed pulse-tuning system
allows listeners to use a traditional tuning knob to
tune in to their desired station,
A tuner with a sophisticated. balanced output
circuitry has been attained for the first time by the \
11.A remote control unit worthy of such a distinctitir
tuner is provided as an accessory to the T-11.
quency converter which incorporates a mixer com-
posed of a differential-FET balanced modulator and a
baiun transformer. The PIN diode attenuator in Fig. i is
a variable attenuator that can minimize the effect of
excessively strong signals radiated from an adjacent
transmission tower. This attenuator enables the T-i
be used in almost any
location without inter»
lerence orsignal distor~
cum «Mimi-i
@ Exclusive-0R gui-
Del-y emu wnii I9 high-w oMos :5
provides a wldl I'mw range.
Fig. 2 Princlple of DGL Detector