Accuphase T 101 Brochure

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Accuphase T 101 Brochure

Extracted text from Accuphase T 101 Brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1

4. High fidelity equalizer circuits ,a This circuit canhandle inputs up to300 mV RMS with distortion at less than 0.1% at 1kHz, and ensures faithful passage of practically any size pulse. It isa direct coupled. 3-stage, constant current load. differential amplifier which has outstanding linearity characteristics. Itis supplied by adual (positive and negative) power supply system which accounts for its very high performance. (b) This amplifier also has aDisc Low Enhancement Switch, an exclusive Accuphase feature,andaSubsonic Filter that were first introciuced and favorably recogniZed in the C·200 Control Center. The Disc Low Enhancement Switch permits +ldB enhancement of the RIAA recording standard at 100 Hz, andenables delicate application of "Presence" tomusic that isnot possible with ordinary tone controls. The Subsonic Filter eliminates any possibility of intermodulation distortion that may originate from turntable vibrations and/or tone arm resonanceandensures high quality discrecord reproduction. (e) DISC 1input impedance selector. The correct matching impedance for phono cartridgesdepends on t cartridge, aswell as the type and length of theshielded phono cord tt isused. This selector provides choice of three matching impedances, 30 ohms, 47K ohms or 100 Kohms toobtain highest Quality sound. 5. BASS/TREBLE Control provides 2 dB tone variation The BASSITREBLE Control provides maximum tone variation between 100 Hz to 10 kHz overarange of tl0 dB inaccurate steps of 2dB. It can beswitched on oroff with anindependent switch. 6. Three tapedecks canbeconnected and two operated.Tape Copy Switch isindependent. Two tape decks canbeoperated simultaneously inconjunction with this amplifier. Italsohasan input/output jack on- the front panel towhich a third tape deck canbeconnected. Connection of the third tape deck to the front panel jack automatically cuts off one of the tapedecks connected to the rear panel connector. An independent tape copying switch also permits tape copying from one tapedeck to another, while listening simultaneously toanother program source. 7. Well-regulated power supplyassures outstanding stability. Evena slight power supply voltage fluctuation during periods of sharp signal fluctuations will cause asevere deterioration of sound Quality. A special regulated power supply in theE-202 delivers constant, non flu­ ctuating voltages toevery amplifier stage, excepting the output circuit which issupplied separately, regardless of thesignals handled. 8. Foolproof Protection Circuit safeguards power transistors and speakers. The E-202hasa built·in Protection Circuit which guards against damao'" to speakers or power transistors incase of shorts when thespeakers connected, or when abnormally low impedance output load connectio . are made. Ifthe speakers areshorted, this circuit automatically cuts them from the amplifier. 9. Carefully selectedparts. The same kind ofparts that weredeveloped andchosen for the P-300 and C-200 havebeen used in this integrated amplifier. They are selected carefully with "performance first" in mind, after undergoing severe durability andtolerance tests to determine how their characteristics affect sound Quality ~SS~P.h~OSA~J~~: 202 3.The E-202hasseparate power meters for the left and right channels vvhich indicate power output in decibels (dBI. A Meter Sensitivity Control permits selection of the following three meter sensitivities. and respective power output indications: OdS (OdB=l00W) ;-lCk:lB IOdB=10WI; and-2OdB IOdB=lWI. 2. Speaker Damping Control enhances characteristic tonal Qualities ofspeakers. The damping factor ofsolid state amplifiers is generally very large and ideal for damping the speakers. However, somespeakers requireanamplifier with a low damping factor to reprcx:luce rich, full·bodied sound. The E-202 has aSpeaker I?amping Control which permits choice of three damping factors andinduces maximum potential performance from any speaker, Damping factor with an8 ohm load becomes more than 50 when this control isset to NORMAL. Likewise, itis5at MEDIUM position, and 1 atSOFT position. I tenables choosing thespeaker sound that oneprefers. The Accuphase E-202 isatop classIntegrated Amplifier with separate component grade features and characteristics. I tisguaranteed to havea power output of 100 watts perchannel into 8ohms with both channels driven, and distortion at less than0.1% from 20 to20.000 Hz. Full play has been given in its development to the advanced engineering techiques applied in theP-300 Power Amplifier and the C·200 Control Center, which earlier marked the introduction of the Accuphase series ofhighest Quality audio equipment. The deep reverberating sound Quality and expression of music detail that is heard through an extra powerful amplifier can be far more dynamic and inspiring than sound from an ordinary amplifier. However. powerful amplifiers that may sound good at high volume levels often fail to sound aswellat low listening levels. This is because technically, thehigher the power, the more difficult it becomes to capture clearly the very soft, delicate passages of music. The "difference" in Accuphase soundbecomes readilyapparent during reprcx:luction ofsuch soft passages, orwhen listening atlow volume, since the E·202, like theP·300, wasdesigned to ensure clear, clean sound Quality atALL listening levels. There has been much discussion recently concerning amplifier and speaker connections andthe harmonious relation between them. This canbesaid to reflect thefeeling ofagrowing number ofaudiophiles that more could be done by amplifier manufacturers tomake their products better able to induce the maximum potential performance from any speaker, and enhance aspeaker's characteristic tonalQualities. The Speaker Damping Control feature of the Accuphase E·202 is a perfect answer to this Question as itcanchange thespeaker damping factor Quickly, and thus reveal aspeaker's maximum sound reproducing capabilities andcharacteristic tonal Qualities immediately. FEATURES 1 . High power outpu tof 100 watts perchannel into 8ohms with clean sound Quality at ALL listening levels. This high power capability, with distortion at less than0.1% from 20 to 20,000 Hzis fully guaranteed. Heavy duty power transistors inaparallel push-pull drive output stage andlarge heatsinks back up thisAccuphase warranty.High power amplifiers need anespecially reliable power supply that must not only provide the energy to drive the speakers, but the capacity lo store and deliver adequate power to tracethesharpest fluctuating signal. The E-202 has just such a power supply with anoversize power transformer and two giant 20,000 ,u.F filter capacitors that can easily supply theenergy required todeliver 280 watts ofcontinuous power into 4ohms. Asevere rise indistortion when volume isreduced tolow levels isaproblem with many high power amplifiers, but not sowith the E-202 in which such distortion has been eliminated tothe lowest possible limit. Itpermits enjoyment of clean,clearpianissimo passages at ALL volume levels. FREQUENCY INHz E·202 TOTAL HARMONK: DISTORTION vsFREQUENCY ",Om, INPUT LEVEL 1111"'v-V -= f-- E·202 OUTPUT DISTORTION vs.,.PUT LEVEL 11111 II II1 III III I I I INPUT: DISC I ,~. =,~ 'iTmllll DISC LEVEL , IC7RitolIN. - IhHz , DISC LEVEL -"., ,"". lOld· .. 0 CONTROL MAl(. ~ 0' I 0i;;0 r--.... ", 0.'-500.05 , ~ 0.03 , K "- - / 0.01 '" " "'" 0.01 L_LLUllLlL_...L--L...LLLlll.L---'_U-UUllL_L-Ll.lJ..lllJ " . !~"'~!~~~§~~~~¥.!~!m~!~!11 , ~"c~0.3 __ 100WATTS CONST. o 1--1-H+l4+H---i--- 50 WATTS CONST. U _.- 10WATTS CONST. 10:!1I1I5I1I1

Page 2

FMbroadcasts which offer avariety of good music day inand day out are just as important asdisc records tomost audiophiles asahigh quality program source. To receiveandreproduce them tothe highest perfection that advanced engineering techniques permit, Kensonic Laboratory first introduced the Accuphase T·l 00 AM-FM Stereo Tuner which received such highrecognition. Now we have alsodeveloped the Accuphase T·10l, and exclusive FM Stereo Tuner. for the many FM fans who appreciate good music and better sound. Our basic policy indeveloping the T-l0' was the same as that for the T-lOO - that is. to develop a tuner that "can bring the broadcasting studio right into the home." This, of course.meanta tuner that was capable to separating allnoise and distortion that have mixed with the FM signal during itstransmission to the receiver. andreducing them to below audible level. while faithfully retaining the original broadcast quality. Italso meant'a tuner that would not be affected by external factors such as temperature, humidity and varying input levels, nor a lapse of time and one with aperfectly smooth tuning mechanism. In addition. extra special attention was paid to the following two points in designing theT-l01. (,) Relation between selectivity and distortion. New IHF standards for tunerscall for measurement of selectivity. not only at 400 kHz, but also at 200 kHz, since many new stations are increasing the problem of adjacent channel selectivity at 200 kHz. l-lowever, improvement of selectivity at the latter point adversely affects : phase characteristics. andnecessitates acompromisewith distortion evel. Moreover, itisexpensive to make high sensitivity compatible with low distortion even for acompromise solution, due to the high cost of required elements. Since adjacent channelinterference is not aproblem with every FM station, however,wedeveloped avariable selectivity tuner and con­ centrated our design on sharp selectivity for reception that requires critical separation, andstressed lowest distortion for reception where there is no noise elimination problem. I nshort, we came up with asingle tuner that could be switched to give maximum performance priority to either selectivity or low distortion, depending on the nature of the incoming signal. Evenwhen concentrating on selectivity, however, we never lostsight of the fact that "Hi-Fi" reception wasa primary aim. (2) Checking the quality of the incoming signal The quality of an incoming FM signal isvery important for high quality reception. Eventhebest tuners will not beable to correct adistorted FM input signal. For this reason an independent Multipath Meter was provided on the front dial with which multipath effects on input signal quality canbechecked andcorrected. FEATURES 1. High stability front end. The FM signal from theantenna entersthe RF amplifier where itis amplified after beingselected by the tuning circuit. Itisthen mixed with thelocal oscillator signal inthe mixer circuit and converted into a10.7 MHz IF signal. This circuitry isknown as the front end, and itfunctions ;the "brain" of the tuner. Weaksignals are amplified, strong signals are ssed through without adding distortion, and all types of noise interference arereduced toinsignificant levels. The front end of the T-101 isequipped with afrequency linear 4·gang variable capacitor. dual gate MOS FET transistor circuitry andlocal oscillator that is isolated by abuffer circuit. It guarantees high performance characteristics that include wide dynamic range input, spurioussignal rejection over 100 dB andimage rejection over 80 dB. Its 245 mm long dial scale ismarked off at 250 kHz intervals and permits smooth. easy tuning together with aprecision dial mechanism that is absolutely free ofbacklash. 2. Variable selectivity 1F circuit The 10.7 MHz signal from the front endenters the I Fcircuit where itis amplified, and the amplitude controlled signal isthen sent on to the detector circuit. In addition to its amplifying function. the IF circuit also blocks the passage of unwanted noise andinterference' such as the strong signals of anadjacent station. The T·101 hasavariable selectivity I Fcircuit which is comprised of anewly developed lQ·element linear phase lumped filter andasharp selectivity piezoelectric filter to carry out this function. Only the linear phase lumped filter is used under normal conditions. When adjacent station interference isencountered, the Selectivity Switch can beset to NARROW to add the piezoelectric filter. This effectively reduces this interference andproduces clearreception of the desired station. Even when the SELECTIVITY switch is set to NARROW, distortion is still less than 0.5 %(monophonic reception at1 kHzl. and sound quality does not deteriorate. The NARROW position causes a slight deterioration in distortion ratio. which. for all practicable purposes, isnegligible. The Selectivity Switch should beset to NORMAL when there isno interference. It isthe position which provides highest quality, distortion·free reception. 3. Wideband detector circuit The amplified signal from thelinear phase lumped filter and the IFamplifier isthen demodulated into adistortion·free audio signal inthe detector stage. Itfeatures a discriminator circuit that has an extra wide bandwidth of1200 kHz. This isthree times the normal range and isabig factor In greatly improving stereo characteristics. 4. Phase locked loop stereo demodulator The demodulated audio signal is then separated into left and right channel stereosignals by anewly designed phaselocked loop stereo demodulator that has no coil-capacitor circuits. This stereo demodulator automatically synchronizes the phase of the broadcast pilot signal with that of thesubcarrier oscillator, and provides high stability, goodstereo separation andbig improvement ofother stereo characteristics. 5. Independent Multipath Meter An independent Multipath Meter isprovided besides aSignal Strength Meter andaCenter Tuning Meter. This meter helps to check and correct multipath interference which can cause stereo distortion and poor reception. 6. Other features. This tuner has aStereo Only switch besides a Muting Switch andaStereo Noise Filter. Itprovides both fixed level andvariable outputs so that a Tape Deckcan be connected directly to the former andan amplifier to the latter. Detector output terminals arealso available wherea demodulator canbe connected to enable reception with this tuner of FM 4-channel broadcasts when they arestarted inthe future. .THE MOOELS ARE PHOTOGRAPHED IN WOODEN CABINET WHICH ISOPTIONAL. T_l0! OUTPUT OISTORTION AHTE_A I-UT VOLTAG!: 1S54Bl(IOIvj DEVIATION.7i5! SIGI'IALlI I f- ~ 0~1to ' I - ~ ULATlON FREQUENCY :4QOH. oc, fATION: 7Sl