Accuphase C 200 Service Manual

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Accuphase C 200 Service Manual

Extracted text from Accuphase C 200 Service Manual (Ocr-read)

Page 1



Service Information


Page 2


BLOCK DIAGRAM ................................... 1
EXTERNAL VIEW ................ _ .................... 2
INTERNAL VIEW .................................. 3, (6)
EXPLODED VIEW .................................... 4
MISCELLANEOUS .................................... 5
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ............................... 7
EOUALIZER AMP. ASSEMBLY ........................... 1O
FUSE CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY ............................. 11
PUSH BUTTON SWITCH ASSEMBLY ...................... 11
TONE CONTROL ASSEMBLY .......................... 12
FILTER/OUTPUT ASSEMBLY ............................ 13
HEADPHONE AMP. ASSEMBLY .......................... 14
POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY . . . - ......................... 15
BASS CONTROL SWITCH ASSEMBLY ..................... 16
TREBLE CONTROL SWITCH ASSEMBLY ...................... 16
RESISTOR COLOR CODE .............................. 17
TRANSISTOR LEADS ................................. 18
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ................................ 19

SPECIFICATIONS ..................................... 21

Page 7



1141. 11.. W M 146. nan-1a 11.1.1». W Pun No. 11M.
1. 1° Romy Switdl 336150300 for 5'11. 11121110 _ F1001 Panel Assembly:
2. 2' Romy Switch 356450100 [01 5111. 111155 :3 $32,273 3:33:41: {3 3:113:11» SW my
3 Van-1116 11m 513230200 for mu, BALANCE 211 mu PM up (In 132000404 to. w m
4 1th 11m 573200100 for v05. voums 2. m End 3", 250-1001-14
5 Romy swan 332530100 for 56. 110131: 30 s. Md 134000142
6 Romy Switch 332410140 0' 83. INPUT 3' had "IMO mu |W1001°33 .
1 Rom Switch 332300100 for 54,101: con 32 110116.16. Hm 6310110404 32' .34 *zodmwugiggal 14
a Rotary 54111110 332400200 to: 55.105: 1101011011 33 mum mm, 17 3,020 1 04 m mm, m '
9 huh-button 5011611 354100200 {or 51. rowan sum 34 MM 1114161101 111001101 1140001-14
5" rowan "1 MW" 35 Front mu 131000102
10 Push-button Switch 354-12014!) for Sub P3001 Magnet Opener 36 Nylon Wuhet 637-!031-50
11 Romy swuch 332000210 to: $1. msc "manna: 3., 13.11 3min 220-0301 00
52- '9' MN 35 Coil Swim 2115100104
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16 30110411 2111. 1550001-12 511141: 0:th00 Chm
11 sub H110 [51.000102 4 Ml"! 4 3 W! 5°" P9 614-0312-00 alum Fl)": to! From Panel
1!! Fame Assembly (L) 112-00013 Saew humbly
19 19mm Assembly (11) 112000222 45 ha 11m 150 Meme 5cm 600041401 4x14113111: Fixed 1o: Phnic Foot
:1!) :mm Fixed P1010 244-0001-04 Fume Assembly [01 150111 side 1001 46 was 11000 B typc Sol! lapphg 614030601 3116mm F121;: 00" SIDE.
121110 A 112-1001-23 Fume Assembly (L). to: uppet 30' '0 '
22 Fame 3 1.100sz Fume humbly (L): for bottom 47 I'm Hand 3 type 9! upping Screw 610-03144)! 3x|4m1w Fucd {01 Panel 5011109
23 Frame C | 124003104 Frame Mummy: for n01 8 PM. Fool 233-0001 .
24 Frame 0 112400423 Fume 11mm 1111; for «we! 9 Hm 3 "' '0
25 Fame 8 "24005.23 Fume humbly (R): to: bottom 50 Pan Had ISO Metric Smut 615-03120] 3x12111115: erd for P0001 5111109
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F1~3 run 310010100 111 } my; 11..., cu... com. 002 mm ram Caucltot -‚¬093M2£103MUL 0.01»? 1200 250w
F4 F1100 310020100 2A IV 0003. 004 Elocuolytic cmcuo: cuzwzcwzw 100M-160wv
F1150 0.5A 3101110 310105100 {01 14.111 F1300 :1 100. MW 0005. 006 Electrolytic Capella: (11521111110215 1000.07 00w
F110: 16A 51.01310 310114100 1'01 14m F1101: n 220. 240v com, 005 Eltcnolylic Cap-elm cuzwouosm 10000.; 6.3WV
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I»; 5111p 315001100 Pow 50m C0111 650120100
P0111011 11111100101 Asst-01y 113~120H4 {01 91101 Lamp 31m Cord 6850402410 4-9111
am: :9: Cum Film Ream 11014211119131 91m 955 W mm 06::
11103. 104 Carbon Film M01 11014211A433J 431m 25% m Inner Box 001000100
11105-112 Cuban Film Redslor 11014211114121 4.11m 25% 11111 011101 Box 000000140
11113. 114 Cuba: Film Resistor 110142qu2 2.2101 :55 w F1001 P10100101 003000100
11115. 116 Cuban Film 11m 11014211A1041 100m 15% 16w Rear Protector 003000200
11201. 202 Cuba: Film W 11014211111011 10013 25% w