Ab international 7132 a brochure

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ab international 7132 a brochure

Extracted text from ab international 7132 a brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1




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Advanced Technology Design Series IV from AB TYDEI Thrfie 0:!th bifmplifier with
international is a modular system of high performance °"' °ar S'gna pmwssmg
power amplifiers and electronic signal processing that Poweroutput:1 LF: 500w at8 a
may be precisely tailored to the specific requirements of meagzfln
professional loudspeaker components. :1: 150w ate 9
HF2: 150 w at 8 n
The 7132 is a three-output biamplifier system featuring
two separate high irequency power amplifiers with 63'": 325 dB- LFHFtHF2

independent power response equalizers. it is intended for
central cluster applications comprising 'near throw-far
throw horn and low frequency loudspeaker components.

The low frequency power amplifier is fully-complementary
and operates from a six-level logic-gated power supply
that adapts to the waveform of the input signal, providing
only the DC rail voltages that undistorted amplification
requires. The result is tremendous output capability, cool
operation and unconditional stability over an unusually
wide range of load conditions. A delayed-ON, instant»OFF
muting control circuit allows internal supply voltages to
stabilize before loudspeakers are connected. Speaker
connections are instantly removed, should there be an
interruption of AC power.

Included in the 7132A are three power amplifiers, system
high pass filters. precision step attenuators. fourth-order
Bessel active crossovers. an all-pass delay network for
time-phase correction. low frequency ThielevSmall
alignment equalization, balanced and unbalanced inputs
with looping provision and independent power response
compensation for professional compression drivers on
each of the two HF outputs.

For users desiring specific non-standard features and/or
signal processing, a wide range of options are available
for this purpose. See Optional Equipment' brochure for

Input sensitivity:2 1.5 Vrms (referred to rated an LP output)

input impedance: 15 k9, balanced or unbalanced
Noise level: 100 dB below rated outputs. unweighted

800 Hz, 4430113 (24 dB/octave)
Bessel response


Signal processing:3 System high pass (40 or 80 Hz) 2nd-order

M-derivedw/adjustable underdamping for
assisted ThieIe-Small alignments

Adjustable low-pass delay for LF output

Adjustable equalization for HF1 and HF2
power response compensation

Controls Power, system level
LF: Delay, level, high pass/E0
HF1: level. EO
HFZ; level. E0

input connectors: XLR-a (bat) with loop-thru and ground lift

switch. 1/4»inch (unbal)

120/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz. 500w (avg)
1800 w (max)

51/4 (13.3crn) H x19(48 3cm) w x
13-1/2" (34.3w) D; 45 lbs. (20.5 kg.)

1. Continuous power output at less than 0.t% THU. 20 Hz to 20 kHz, outputs Olmaltzed
tor tun-range operation.

Power requirements:


2. Wm all level controls adjusted for zero attenuation. normalized response to a swept
input signal will be flar'.

a. A wide range of ooltonal crossovers and signal processing IS available. Please refer to
opttonal equipmenr tor details.

L 4

Page 2

r N
HP E0 Hi (,4 my '
gh pass 0 a High frequency EQ control and HF
.5 l 2 4 816 M H " ° ' = ' a filter and indicators (left). The reen 'on' LED
associated E0 indicates presence 0 HF signal, while
E0 control u_\ g, s . 2 . . .a the red 'clip' LED shows true clipping.
is at left. . 2 a 4 s s 1 These features are repeated lor all
LEVEL I- 1: Lu The high output channels. The E0 provides
One of four precision pass lilter is 'in' at 40 Hz (11 ). correction tor driver power response.
level controls used in The 50 '5 . m ,
the 7132A. Each enabled, A wrde range of options
switch is calibrated with 6 dB are avallab e. Shown Is
for as insertion loss, boost. At 12 dB boost centered at
and the selected right is the 14 kHz beginning at
va|ues sum directly. response. 3.5 kHz for a popular 2"
12.5 dB attenuation with E0 in throat driver, with control
is illustrated. and out. settings above. 20x
0 '0 K "D 0 how frequenw dellay oontrol.fDelay cirfiuitry isflincluged in the
0" "o °~ 0 °°~ ° output c anne to correct or time-p ase 0 sets etween
O ,m .31- m 0 the LF and HF loudspeaker components. Switch positions
Tami u m are marked in radians relative to the low pass lrequency. In
N Ll g E 9 EU the examptlje. 4.04 radians hfave tzezn seleicted, rhifih
" - oorrespon s to a p ysrca 0 set in epen ent 0 at er
41m *5 Ws- um considerations) equal to 10.7 inches at 800 Hz. With
uhfir'un'n firinrrn gfigufigg urlnnnuu lourth~order (24 dB/ootave) Bessel linear phase crossover
IN 2 4 a in filters, the 7132A will deliver virtually
V m m 9 - '2 '3 5 ; , seamless, phase coherent response
" " "" a -. in ong-throw/ short-throw' two-way
um Ilfiggfig loudspeaker array applications. An
W in-out' switch allows immediate
O - O 0 DELAY comparisons, with and without the
O mum Mines acumen O
L 4
r N
SIGNAL FLOW ,v \Sig- Clip
HFt Output
HFt High Pass HFt EQ Fixed EQ HF1 Level 150W
: : Sig. Clip
' r 1 \
Balanced lnput // _/\ (091») // / 01$)
3 :- HF 2 Output
System HF 2 High Pass HF 2 E0 Fixed E0 HP 2 Level 150W
VED: Level Sig. Clip
FIT F fl A // > Gel
LF Output
Unbalanced Input High Pass/E0 LF Low Pass Delay LF Level 500W
r N
L 1830-6 Vernon Street, PO. Box 1105, Roseville, CA 95678 FAX:(91 6)784-1050