Accuphase P 300 V Brochure

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Accuphase P 300 V Brochure

Extracted text from Accuphase P 300 V Brochure (Ocr-read)

Page 1

0 Low load- -impedance design
0 DC servo directly coupled

Also serve as 560«W (at 8 ohms) monophonic amplifier when bridge-com ,
O Balanced input provided .


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Page 2

The first models introduced by Accuphase
in August 1973 after the founding of the
company were the power amplifier P-300
and the preamplifier 0200 Having under-
gone three model changes. these compo-
nents are still being built today. They are
regarded as the foremost products in the
category of separate amplifiers and have
received awards too numerous to mention.
For well over ten years, many audiophiles
all over the world have made these prod-
ucts their superior choice, a feat that hardly
any other amplifier can lay claim to. An
important reason for this popularity is the

PNP power transistors constituting
10 parallel push-pull circuits

fact that model changes for Accuphase
mean continuity - presen/ing the essence
of a product and its best features - com»
bined with innovation » making latest tech-
nology and selected components work to-
wards further improved sound quality and
performance. A solid technological found-
ation and extensive know-how accumu-
lated over the years provide the basis for
Accuphase excellence.

The all-stage push-pull configuration de-
veloped by Accuphase traditionally forms
the base of all our amplifiers, Cascode
connection is realized up to the drive

MOS FET cascode drive stage

NPN transistor for Class-A predrive stage

Power circuits for drive stage

Input differential complementary push-pull amps

PNP transistor for Class-A predrive stage

NPN power transistors constituting
10 parallel push-pull circuits

A Power Amp. Unit Assy
(one channel)


stage, for outstanding high-frequency per-
formance. The overall characteristics of
this amplifier assure sound reproduction of
the highest order. The drive stage operates
in class A, and MOS FETs are used as
drivers in the output stage. for impeccable
resolution of the musically important low-
level signals.

In the age of digital program sources, an
amplifier must be able to provide a speaker
drive signal that faithfully duplicates even
extreme changes in the input waveform It
is a well known fact that a loudspeaker is
not just a resistive but also a reactive load,


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