Anatek pocket sync operating instructions

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anatek pocket sync operating instructions

Extracted text from anatek pocket sync operating instructions (Ocr-read)

Page 1

Anatek's Pocket Sync-

The reliable way to combine live audio with your MIDI tracks.


Pocket Sync allows you to combinelive"
audio (vocalsguitars etc.) with your MIDl
tracks. it generates and then reads a special
timing (sync) tone that. upon playback of the
tape. is translated into MIDI Start/Stop and
timing information forthe sequencer to
follow. Embedded in the timing tone is Song
Position Pointer". a MIDI signal that allows
you to start synchronized playback from any
point within your song.


1. First, program the tempo and length of
your song into your sequencer if you
haven't already. Pocket Sync will track
tempo changes, if any. and you are free to
use them. The tempo may not be altered
later so be sure it is correct. Add extra bars
at the beginning and end in case you wish
to extend the song later on.

2. Make the connections shown in Diagram A.

3. When the MIDI output from your
sequencer is connected to Pocket Sync,
it will generate a test tone (called the
carrier" tone). Set the input level on your
tape deck to -10 dB. This is a suggestion
only- you may use a lower level to reduce
crosstalk it your machine is in good
condition or of good quality.

4. Press Record on your tape machine and
record a few seconds of carrier tone. Press
Play on your sequencer. This will start
Pocket Sync generating the actual sync
tone (called FSK). If you are listening to the
tone, the sound should change from the
pure carrier tone to the modulated tone
and the red LED should start blinking at the
proper tempo. Continue recording until the
sequencer stops playing at the end of the

1. Reconnect your cables as shown in Diag. B.
2. Set your sequencer to respond to an


Manufactured and Distributed by

Creation Technologies Inc,

400 Brooksbank Ave. North Vancouver, BC.
Canada V7J 1G9

Phone; (604) 98043850

Primed in Canada

external clock source.

Diagram A: Recording Sync Tone

If your sequencer needs
you to be more specific
be sure to set it to MIDI

Clock and Song Position
Pointer noIMlDl Time
Code. (MIDI Time Code is
a form of SMPTE encoded

Sequencer or
Drum Machine

MIDI Nadia 6 ®

I?) In

MIDI Audio ° - '

o 0: Dinar:
Tape Deck

in MIDI form and is
not supported by

Diagram B: Syncing to Tape

Pocket Sync.)
3. Rewind the tape to the


beginning of the song and MIDI Audio

press Play. The green LED m '" 3: ®
on Pocket Sync will light V 'gf, 53? A a _, -
solid at first and then blink WW" DEE":
at the tempo of the song. sequencer Tape Deck

You may stop and start
tape playback from any point within the
song and Pocket Sync will cue and start
the sequencer at the appropriate point

4. Continue recording new tracks on tape or
on the sequencer.


The MIDI input on Pocket Sync is "looped
through to the MIDI output. If you are
connected as in diagram B, this feature allows
you to add new parts with your keyboard or
controller and have the signals loop through
to the sequencer while it is synched to tape.

When Pocket Sync is powered up but the
tape is not playing. it will pass any signals it
receives back to the MIDI output unchanged.
When the tape is playing, however. the input
signals will be merged"(mixed) with the
MIDI timing signals generated by Pocket


Tape dropouts can cause loss of sync for
a moment. They normally result from any
combination of low quality tape. extreme
repetition of playback. or operating any tape
machine in poor condition. Pocket Sync has a


feature that will automatically jump over"
these empty spots, within limits. The length of
time that it will jump" can be set to approxi-
mately 1/4 second ori second, depending
on the Audio In cabling condition when it is
powered up. Set according to the following:

Short dropouts (~i/4 second). Connect tape
deck audio return jack to the Audio In on
Pocket Sync before powering up. Power up
occurs when the device connected to
Pocket Syncs MIDI In is turned on.

Long dropouts (-1 second) Connect tape
deck audio return jack to the Audio In on
Pocket Sync after powering up. This will
also cause sequencer playback to continue
tori second every time you press Stop on
the tape machine.


Red LED(MlDl in/out status) -Solid when
power on but no MIDI received vBlinks oil
with MIDI data -Blinks tempo receiving
clock from sequencer.

Green LED (Green Status) -Oil when no
carrier or FSK present -Solid when carrier
only present eBlinks tempo when reading
FSK from tape

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